Thursday, July 13, 2017


Here I am again. Not ready for the contest that is in a few short weeks...but you know what? IGAF (indirect translation: I don't give a hoot...) As I mentioned in my last post, I am totally happy with my body and my diet for maybe the first time in my life.

It is so incredibly freeing to feel like food doesn't control me. Do I have a six-pack? Well, yes...but you can't see it. And I am cool with it...because I feel really healthy. I have energy. I get to enjoy eating with friends and family. I don't feel like I have to say no to treats. I don't schedule my meals to be every two hours...because my life is not scheduled in 2 hour increments. My meals actually feel like meals...which is actually far more satiating, regardless of calories.

Does that mean I eat whatever and whenever I want to? Nope. Sometimes I still say no to treats because I still have goals. I listen to my body better and I know pretty well what foods I should avoid...because, even though I don't think anyone should label foods as 'good' or 'bad' foods...there are foods that are bad FOR ME.

Trigger foods. Foods that are catalysts to bad dietary decisions. Foods that trigger an emotional response (that for me can turn very quickly into binging).  I try to be careful with those foods. I do my best not to indulge in them if I am having a bad day.  They are foods that I probably shouldn't keep in my house (but I am human...and sometimes I fall prey to the temptation...or I shop hungry and I make more unhealthy decisions).  Trigger foods are not the same for everyone.

Food is not the enemy. Food is a thing. Food is food. Sometimes fuel for just living day to day. Sometimes fuel for intense exercise. Sometimes fuel for the soul. 

I work with men and women who somewhere along the line developed a misunderstanding of what food is and what it can do FOR them. Eating has been so demonized in so many ways. 'Too much fat will make you fat'. 'Sugar will give you diabetes'. 'Bread is bad for you'. 'GMO will give you cancer'. 'If you can't pronounce the ingredient, don't eat it'. BLAH BLAH BLAH. It is CONFUSING.

Nutrition does not need to be confusing. YES. There is some validity in many of those statements...but people don't know why or under what circumstances the statements are starts the pattern of eating no fat, no sugar, no bread, no gmo food, nothing processed, and whatever other stupid thing that is trending. If you cut those things out...what is left? Ah. You have the internet's permission to drink water. ALLLL the water.  And veggies. And grass fed-free range meat. Unless you are 'ethical'. Then no meat...#vegan #whatthehealth (ALSO BULLSHIT). SO veggies and water #ftw.

Good luck ever feeling satisfied...or remotely happy when all you tell yourself you should be eating is cardboard washed down with a glass of water. GUYS YOU CAN'T DO THIS...seriously. What happens on the weekends after you've managed to stick to it all week? You eat every single thing. EVERY. SINGLE. THING. And then you feel guilt. And so you smother the feeling by eating more. RIGHT? But Monday rolls around and you can 'be good' again. THIS IS NOT DIETARY FREEDOM. It is a prison and the guards look a lot like a box of doughnuts.

And you know what? I have fallen for nearly [every. single. one.] of these trends. I have tried them all. And there are things that I have learned from trying them. BUT none of them worked. ZERO of them offered me the balance that I needed to have dietary freedom. I never felt in control of food or my ability to choose, until I let go of the 'rules'.

The only rule I have now is this: I DECIDE TO EAT. I decide to eat fresh veggies. I decide to eat fruit. I decide to drink soda. I decide to eat cookies. I decide to eat ice cream. I decide to have a diet soda. WHATEVER. As long as I am aware of my choices and take two seconds to be mindful about my choices I HAVE THE CONTROL. And I choose better. And sometimes I choose to feel a little extra full because I went out and had a burger and it put my calories up by 500 or whatever. IT WAS MY CHOICE. It might slow down some weight loss...I might even gain a pound (but I will know that before making the decision...and I know that I have nobody and nothing to blame for enjoying myself...and I can always choose to eat half of the burger or get no burger and visit...because I DECIDE).

This is how I approach nutrition with my clients. NO QUICK FIX.  I want my clients to learn how to adjust perspectives and trust that they know themselves better than anyone else ever will.  Dietary guidance is secondary.

If you want to change, you have to believe that you have the ability to change and be empowered to take control of the one thing you can...YOUR CHOICES.

I will do an actual contest prep update sometime...because it's still a goal;) Just not one that I am willing to sacrifice balance and happiness for.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

2016 Recap and 2017 Plans: 10.5-ish Week Contest Prep

I have obviously been absent from the blog for...almost a year. Without going into too much detail, last year ended up being full of change. New business endeavors, moving, lots of family stuff...just overall full of change. I don't have any regrets about not getting on stage last year outside of hiring a coach that I REALLY didn't work well with (message me if you have questions about hiring coaches. I have worked with some big teams that are really really really not worth your money or time).

Super quick recap of the past year:

Around July I switched my mindset to going purely for some big strength goals. I pulled a 315# deadlift for the first time during the summer and decided to chase 400# more seriously along with goals for a 250# squat and 200# overhead. Getting strong requires energy, so I decided to give my body more than enough (just in case) and spent a few months in a caloric surplus (around 4000 calories/day). I pulled my 400# deadlift and my bodyweight hit a personal high at 169# in December when I made a commitment to compete in a weightlifting meet (after 3 years of coercion from my weightlifting coach, Scott). 

I took a break from my powerlifting-bodybuilding type training and focused on weightlifting for 4 weeks and I missed my 'normal' training SO MUCH. The meet was fun and I got a PR of 198# overhead (just need the 2# now. Silly me) on the CJ and a decent snatch (my snatch is weak in comparison). 

Since the meet, I have been working on bringing my calories down to a comfortable level for cutting, while keeping them as high as I can. I weighed in at 162.2# this morning (so a VERY slight drop from the meet) and I am eating roughly 2500 calories/day and feeling optimistic about prepping for the stage:)

2017 PLANS:

Fitcon at the end of April (10.5 weeks) is the goal right now; however, it is going to be very dependent on how my body responds to cutting. 10.5 weeks is A LOT less time that I would like to have given myself...but I am dumb sometimes. I don't want to drop my calories below 1900 and I am estimating that I need to drop roughly 25-30 pounds to be ready for the stage. It's a very rapid and aggressive weight loss, so I am not entirely sure it will happen.

I know that I want to compete in two local shows to requalify for nationals in bikini and again to give figure a test run. The show in June should be easily within reach, I just have to decide which division to compete in. 

USAs are in July in Vegas, and I am hoping to compete nationally there (not counting my chickens...). 

After my shows, I would like to prep and compete in a powerlifting meet in the fall. I have gone to a handful of meets over the past few months and the atmosphere is so fun. It's full of energy and everyone is so positive and encouraging. 


I am only a few days in, so there really hasn't been much change at this point. I spent the last 2 weeks just tracking and trying not to eat like a complete dummy so I have a good idea of where to start cutting. I took my starting photos and measurements this morning:

R Thigh (10 inches below anterior iliac crest): 22"
L Thigh (10 inches below AIC): 21.5"
Hips (widest, most saddle-baggy circumference): 41.75"
Belly Button: 31.75"
True Waist (small of the waist/most narrow circumference): 28.5"
Under Bust (just under the boobs): 30.25"
R Arm (relaxed): 12.75"
L Arm (relaxed): 13"

There are a few things that I am hoping to do differently during this contest prep:

I have been listening to and reading articles by a biologist, Ray Peat, who has done more than half a century of research on how to optimize metabolic function by optimizing thyroid function and minimizing inflammation in the body. His approach is very very unorthodox, especially in the fitness industry. I want to go over more of the details in future blogs with how my nutrition will be different while following his guidelines, but for now I will just say there are some strange things, and I don't plan on being 100% compliant to his philosophy during the next 10.5 weeks, but probably at least 80% and whatever else is flexible will still fit with the flexible dieting philosophy (which I will also write more about in the future). 

I have already started implementing cardio on a daily basis, but it's a little bit hard to even call it that right now. This week has been 10 minutes max of walking on a treadmill, although yesterday I did about 8 minutes of some high intensity work. I have never and probably will never actually like cardio, so the plan is to keep it minimal and low intensity steady-state for as long as possible. As soon as the weather is nice enough (for my personal comfort) I want to start walking in the mornings. It's a great way for me to get some calorie burn and I love to listen to audiobooks (I will share what I am listening to!) and get my brain working and start the day. 

Everything else is just fine-tuning. I will share more about my meals and workouts (I post a lot of them on other social media platforms...instagram, FB, and twitter).  

I have been working on switching up a few things with posing, but will definitely be focusing on getting figure posing in a more comfortable place. 

New suits are happening again this year, and possibly a new hair color again. I have colors in mind, but I like to keep them as a surprise:) 

I am hoping to blog and possibly vlog (I hate hearing myself I am shit at editing) often during the next 10.5 weeks (hopefully at least 2x weekly). So stay tuned!