Thursday, March 17, 2016

Contest Season 2016 Check-in #1

It's that time of year again. It's getting warmer outside and contests are being held more frequently. I have taken about 7.5 months to build and I have loved it. Lifting heavy feels really good. So good that the transition into the cutting season hasn't sounded as appealing as it usually does.

During the past 7.5 months I have felt pretty good about my figure, even weighing 20+ lbs. over my stage weight. I still would like to moderate that gain a little bit better following this contest season, but I was able to go through most of the improvement season without trying to diet back down again every other week. I just ate. A lot. I ate a lot of treats and foods that I love (which wont change all that much during prep, just the amounts).

I started cutting back my calories and measuring my food more carefully about a week ago. I have seen some good changes so far, and I am excited to see what the off season has done as I shed some body fat. I am hoping to get my body composition tested in the BodPod sometime soon, to compare to last year's test and get some idea of what my lean muscle changes are.

I will be working with a coach this season, and he may change my plan completely from what I have started with...which might not be terrible enjoyable in the beginning, but I am determined to do what he says and see what I can achieve...and I trust that he can help me reach my highest potential, so I am looking forward to the season with him.

Here are my starting progress pictures and stats:)

March 13.2016          140.9#
1800 cal. 150 p 183 c 52 f

Monday, January 25, 2016

Improvement Season 2015-2016

It's been a little rough post-comp (again). I put on more body fat than I wanted to (again),  BUT there is a difference this year. I actually feel okay with it. I have been focusing more on just getting stronger while I enjoy treats and meals that satisfy my foodie side. It has been fun, I definitely feel stronger and on top of that, more sane about my off season than I have in the past (progress comes in many different forms...that is a big one for me).

I am still thinking about when I will compete this year, and it is looking like I will be competing in May or June to re-qualify for NPC USAs at the end of July. I have a handful of goals...and the most important one for me this year actually has nothing to do with how I place at my competitions. I want to spend more time moderating my post season. Don't gain as much body fat post-competition. Feel more comfortable in my skin all year long. Placing at USAs is the follow-up still pretty important, but not #1.

My off season body is holding at about 145#...which is about 10# above my 'I still feel hot, but can maintain this' I haven't started an official contest prep, so my weight fluctuates a couple of pounds when I feel like having a little extra at family dinners or biggie, especially because I expect the weight jump the next morning. I am planning on starting contest prep in the next 2-4 weeks, and when I do  I will make more regular posts with progress pictures (not my favorite thing to share right now...but it's I will).

Also, I am working on my youtube channel quite a bit more now.  I am mostly posting videos with instruction and tips for my clients, but as things get going with prep, I will update on there with prep too!